Month: August 2016

Vote for the next Golden Age Actress focus for the ‘Play it Again Dan’ Site

Golden Age actresses

Every year the Play it Again Dan website heavily focuses on a Golden Age of Hollywood actor or actress and marathons a vast majority of their career in a weekly series. Already this site has focused on the careers of Ingrid Bergman and Jack Lemmon. Starting in January of 2017, the site will focuses on another Golden Age actress. Of the vast options, the candidates have been narrowed down to four. Please vote for one of these extraordinarily talented actresses:

Bette Davis, two-time Oscar winner known for her performances in All About Eve (1950), Now Voyager (1942), and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962)

Katherine Hepburn, four-time Oscar winner known for her performances in Bringing Up Baby (1938), Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), and African Queen (1951)

Geraldine Paige, Oscar winner known for performances in The Trip to Bountiful (1985), Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), and Summer and Smoke (1961)

Olivia de Havilland, two-time Oscar winner known for performances in Gone with the Wind (1939), Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964), and The Heiress (1949).

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